Target Outcomes

Figure: GUIDE performs multi-modal adaptation of user interface technologies to the user. Multi-modal fusion of input allows to interpret and fuse user input from various channel. Multi-modal fission can select and properly parameterize output channels. Adaptation is based on a user model component, that controls mapping of user characteristics to user interface configurations.
GUIDE FrameworkThis open source software framework will be based on proven UI integration technology from Ambient Assisted Living. It automatically integrates various types of user interface technologies, ranging from remote control, free-hands & gesture control and speech control to avatars. The framework contains software components that perform automatic multi-modal adaptation of user interfaces to the impairments and preferences of elderly users. The GUIDE framework can be installed on legacy and future Web & TV platforms (STBs, Connected TV). Developers can easily use the framework by adding some minor annotations (or mark-up) to their HTML-based interfaces, and GUIDE is managing all user-relevant adaptation transparently.
GUIDE ToolsThe GUIDE toolbox will contain all tools that support the developer in performing efficient user-centred application design and making his applications inter-operable with the GUIDE framework. Currently, the toolbox will provide a virtual user simulation tool that allows the developer to test the user interface simulating perception, cognition and motor functions of elderly users. Another tool (Application Model Builder) automatically extracts a model of the application (and its user interfaces), to make GUIDE aware of the capabilities of the application and to perform adaptation.
GUIDE User ModelGUIDE is developing a novel user model that reflects impairments and preferences of elderly people. The user model is an enabling technology for multi-modal adaptation in the GUIDE framework and the GUIDE Simulator. In the European VUMS cluster GUIDE performs joint development activities to derive a common user model standard. 
GUIDE HandbookThe GUIDE Handbook will be a web portal for Web & TV developers. It provides access to relevant design knowledge for application developers, for example guidelines, regulation, events, as well documentation of the GUIDE framework.
GUIDE User Interface (UI) ComponentsThe GUIDE UI components (remote control, free-hands & gesture control, speech recognition and synthesis, avatars, multi-touch tablet PC) will be used in the user trials in the project and demonstrate the feasibility of the GUIDE multi-modal adaptation approach. Further, some of the components will be distributed together with the GUIDE framework as open source, to serve as development examples.
GUIDE User Requirements & GuidelinesThe results from the various tests with elderly users in the project will be collected, analysed and provided to other initiatives, developers and the public audience (see GUIDE handbook). Dedicated GUIDE design guidelines will complement existing guidelines and serve to better address requirements related to ageing-related impairments and preferences in the development process.
GUIDE ApplicationsThe GUIDE applications (home automation, media access, video conferencing and tele-learning) will be developed by strong end user involvement. They will help to improve social inclusion, assisted living and continuous learning of elderly users. The applications will validate the feasibility of GUIDE concepts for developers, and will partially be distributed with the GUIDE framework as development examples.